Canadian Swim Patrol

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The Canadian Swim Patrol program is the on-ramp to lifeguarding. Ability is the only prerequisite.

The Lifesaving Society’s 3-level Canadian Swim Patrol program provides enriched training for those who want to develop swim strokes and skills while having fun in the challenging world of lifesaving. Swim Patrol develops swimming strength and efficiency with emphasis on Water Smart® behaviour. Skill drills enhance capability in the water, good physical conditioning and lifesaving judgment.

Rookie Patrol

Swimmers continue stroke development with 50 m swims of front crawl, back crawl and breaststroke. Lifesaving sport skills include a 25 m obstacle swim and 15 m object carry. First aid focuses on assessment of conscious victims, contacting EMS, and treatment for bleeding. Fitness improves in 350 m workouts and 100 m timed swims.

Ranger Patrol

Swimmers develop better strokes over 75 m swims of each stroke. They tackle lifesaving sport skills in a lifesaving medley, timed object support and rescue with a buoyant aid. First aid focuses on assessment of unconscious victims, treatment of victims in shock and obstructed airway procedures. Skill drills develop a strong lifesaving foundation.

Star Patrol

Swimmers are challenged with 600 m workouts, 300 m timed swims and a 25 m object carry. Strokes are refined over 100 m swims. First aid focuses on treatment of bone or joint injuries and respiratory emergencies including asthma and allergic reactions. Lifesaving skills include defence methods, victim removals and rolling over and supporting a victim face up in shallow water.

For more information, go to or contact our office at 705-325-3965.